I won? I won!

Guess what? Don’t Just Sit There, DO NOTHING is a 2022 International Book Awards winner in the General Spirituality category. “Why is this a big deal?” you may ask. I’m not really sure, other than the fact that my little baby of a book won in a stiff competition with many worthy opponents. It was also a finalist in the General Self-help category.

I guess the big deal about winning some recognition for a work of the heart is just that—your heart song being recognized. But more than that—for me, at least—it’s the understanding that when I commit to my vision, when I believe in myself, the world eventually follows suit. Not immediately. Not always fully. But it does. In other words, STOP WAITING for someone else to recognize you. Do it for yourself. That’s the secret sauce. All else will come.




“There but by the grace of God go I” - How to Help Ukraine